应用商店屏幕截图模板 (App Store Screenshot Templates)

应用商店屏幕截图模板 (App Store Screenshot Templates)插图

应用商店屏幕截图模板 (App Store Screenshot Templates)插图1

应用商店屏幕截图模板 (App Store Screenshot Templates)插图2


该模板具有最大的灵活性,因此所有的图形元素、颜色、模拟图等都可以在所有尺寸上同时自动调整。- 在零时间内创建你的资产!


This template covers all Apple Store and Google Play Store screenshots in all required sizes. 
The template has been built with maximum flexibility, so all graphic elements, colors, mockups, etc. are adjusted on all sizes simultaneously and automatically. - Create your assets in zero time!

